Gatling Maven Plugin

The Maven plugin allows you to run Gatling tests from the command line, without the bundle, as well as to package your simulations for Gatling Enterprise

Using this plugin, Gatling can be launched when building your project, for example with your favorite Continuous Integration (CI) solution. This plugin can also be used to package your Gatling project to run it on Gatling Enterprise.


Check out available versions on Maven Central.

Beware that milestones (M versions) are not documented for OSS users and are only released for Gatling Enterprise customers.


If you prefer to manually configure your Maven project rather than clone one of our samples, you need to add the following to your pom.xml:




The plugin supports many configuration options, eg:


See each goal’s section below for the relevant configuration options.


Running your simulations

You can directly launch the gatling-maven-plugin with the test goal:

./mvnw gatling:test
mvnw.cmd gatling:test

Use mvn gatling:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=test to print the description of all the available configuration options on the test goal.

The gatling:test goal runs in interactive mode and suggests the simulation class to launch unless:

  • there’s only one simulation available,
  • or the Simulation class is forced with the -Dgatling.simulationClass=<FullyQualifiedClassName> Java System Property,
  • or the non-interactive mode is forced, in which case the task will fail if there is more than 1 simulation available,
  • or it’s in batch mode (-B Maven option), in which case the task will fail if there is more than 1 simulation available,
  • or the CI env var is set to true, in which case the task will fail if there is more than 1 simulation available.

Running the Gatling Recorder

You can launch the Gatling Recorder:

./mvnw gatling:recorder
mvnw.cmd gatling:recorder

Use gatling:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=recorder to print the description of all the available configuration options on the recorder goal.

Running your simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud


You need to configure an an API token for most of the actions between the CLI and Gatling Enterprise Cloud.

Since you probably don’t want to include you secret token in your source code, you can configure it using either:

  • the GATLING_ENTERPRISE_API_TOKEN environment variable
  • the gatling.enterprise.apiToken Java System property

If really needed, you can also configure it in your pom.xml:


Deploying on Gatling Enterprise Cloud

With gatling:enterpriseDeploy command, you can:

  • Create, update and upload packages
  • Create and update simulations

This command automatically checks your simulation project and performs the deployment according to your configuration.

By default, enterpriseDeploy searches for the package descriptor in .gatling/package.conf. However, you can target a different filename in .gatling by using the following command:

mvn gatling:enterpriseDeploy -Dgatling.enterprise.packageDescriptorFilename="<file name>"

Start your simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud

You can, using the gatling:enterpriseStart command:

By default, the Gatling plugin prompts the user to choose a simulation to start from amongst the deployed simulations. However, users can also specify the simulation name directly to bypass the prompt using the following command:

./mvnw gatling:enterpriseStart -Dgatling.enterprise.simulationName="<simulation name>"
mvnw.cmd gatling:enterpriseStart -Dgatling.enterprise.simulationName="<simulation name>"

Replace <simulation name> with the desired name of the simulation you want to start.

If you are on a CI environment, you don’t want to handle interaction with the plugin. Most CI tools define the CI environment variable, used by the Gatling plugin to disable interactions and run in headless mode.

It’s also possible to disable interactions by running Maven in batch mode.

Here are additional options for this command:

  • -Dgatling.enterprise.waitForRunEnd=true: Enables the command to wait until the run finishes and fail if there are assertion failures.
  • -Dgatling.enterprise.runTitle=<title>: Allows setting a title for your run reports.
  • -Dgatling.enterprise.runDescription=<description>: Allows setting a description for your run reports summary.

Upload a package manually


You can directly package your simulations for Gatling Enterprise Cloud using:

./mvnw gatling:enterprisePackage
mvnw.cmd gatling:enterprisePackage

This will generate the target/<artifactId>-<version>-shaded.jar package which you can then upload to the Cloud.


You must already have configured a package. Copy the package ID from the Packages table, or copy the simulation ID linked to the package from the Simulations table.

Configure the package ID or simulation ID on the plugin:

        <!-- If packageId is missing, the task will use the package linked to the simulationId -->

You can also configure either of those using Java System properties:

  • packageId: gatling.enterprise.packageId
  • simulationId: gatling.enterprise.simulationId

Then package and upload your simulation to Gatling Enterprise Cloud:

./mvnw gatling:enterpriseUpload
mvnw.cmd gatling:enterpriseUpload

Private packages

Configure the Control Plane URL:


Once configured, your private package can be created and uploaded using the deploy command.

Integrating with the Maven lifecycle

The plugin’s goals can also be bound to the Maven lifecycle phases by configuring an execution block in the plugin configuration:


By default:

  • test will be bound to the integration-test phase, e.g. it will be triggered by mvn integration-test or mvn verify
  • enterprisePackage will be bound to the package phase, e.g. it will be triggered by mvn package

Overriding the logback.xml file

You can either have a logback-test.xml that has precedence over the embedded logback.xml file, or add a JVM option -Dlogback.configurationFile=myFilePath.


If you’re interested in contributing, you can find the gatling-maven-plugin sources on GitHub.

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