Private packages

Store your simulations' packages privately in your infrastructure, and use them with private locations.


Private Locations facilitate running simulations in your dedicated cloud environment. Ensure secure storage of sensitive simulation packages in your private cloud.

The control plane offers a private repository; enable it for confidential package management!

Private packages

A private package is uploaded through the control plane into a private repository. Gatling Enterprise Cloud only receives the Gatling version associated with the package and the names of simulation classes, which helps in simulation configuration

When initiating a Gatling run, the control plane generates a temporary signed link to allow the download of the private package from the load generators.

Infrastructure schema


Currently, Private Packages support the following underlying storages:

  • AWS S3
  • GCP Cloud Storage
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • the Control Plane host filesystem

Control plane server

The control plane with a private repository has a server to manage uploads to the repository, secured by a Gatling Enterprise Cloud API Token with Configure role.

The server is accessible on port 8080 by default when a repository is configured. The following optional server configuration with the default settings is provided for your reference.

control-plane {
  repository {
    # Upload configuration (optional)
    upload {
      directory = "/tmp" # (optional, default: /tmp)
    # Server configuration (optional)
    server {
      port = 8080 # (optional, default: 8080)
      bindAddress = "" # (optional, default:
      # PKCS#12 certificate (optional)
      certificate {
        path = "/path/to/certificate.p12"
        password = ${CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD} # (optional)

This configuration includes the following parameters:

  • This directory temporarily stores uploaded JAR files. (optional)
  • server.port: The port on which the control plane is listening for private package uploads.
  • server.bindAddress: The network interface to bind to. The default is, which means all available network IPv4 interfaces.
  • server.certificate: The server P12 certificate for secure connection without SSL reverse proxy. (optional)

Control plane repository


Once it is done, add the private repository configuration section in your control plane configuration file:

control-plane {
  repository {
    # S3 Bucket configuration
    type = "aws"
    bucket = "bucket-name"
    path = "folder/to/upload" # (optional, default: root)

This configuration includes the following parameters:

  • bucket: The name of the bucket where packages are uploaded to on AWS S3.
  • path: The path of a folder in AWS S3 bucket. (optional)

GCP Cloud Storage

control-plane {
  repository {
    # Cloud Storage Bucket configuration
    type = "gcp"
    bucket = "bucket-name"
    path = "folder/to/upload" # (optional, default: root)
    project = "project-name"

This configuration includes the following parameters:

  • bucket: The name of the bucket where packages are uploaded to on GCP Cloud Storage.
  • path: The path of a folder in Cloud Storage bucket. (optional)

Azure Blob Storage

control-plane {
  repository {
    # Azure Blob Storage configuration
    type = "azure"
    storage-account = "storage-account-name"
    container = "container-name"
    path = "folder/to/upload" # (optional, default: root)

Filesystem Storage

This option allows the storage of simulations directly on the control-plane filesystem.

  repository = {
    # Filesystem configuration
    type = "filesystem"
    # Directory to store your private packages
    directory = "/data/gatling-repository"
    upload {
      # Directory to temporarily store your incoming simulation during the upload process
      directory = "/tmp" # (optional, default: /tmp)
    location {
      # URL of your control-plane from your private locations
      download-base-url = ""

This configuration includes the following parameters:

  • directory: The directory where the simulations will be stored.
  • The access URL for the control-plane. This URL will be provided to the load-generators so that they can download your simulations.

Configure Private Packages with Terraform

Gatling provides Terraform modules to set up your infrastructure for Private Locations with Private Packages. There are three required modules for a successful setup:

  • specify the load generator location(s),
  • specify the private package,
  • deploy the control plane.


To use the Terraform module to setup your AWS Private Package infrastructure, visit our dedicated GitHub repository.

Azure Blob Storage

To use the Terraform module to setup your Azure Private Package infrastructure, visit our dedicated GitHub repository.

GCP Cloud Storage

To use the Terraform module to setup your GCP Private Package infrastructure, visit our dedicated GitHub repository.

Upload Private Packages using HTTPS


To enable HTTPS for your Control Plane container, there are two options:

  • Using an Application Load Balancer (ALB) (Recommended for production)
    • Obtain a valid Domain Name and TLS Certificate. You can use AWS Certificate Manager for simplicity.
    • Create an Application Load Balancer and configure it to listen on port 443.
    • Attach TLS Certificate to the Application Load Balancer.
    • If you optionally wish to implement TLS encryption on the traffic between ALB and Control Plane server, generate a certificate for the server and update repository server configuration in the Control Plane configuration with the generated certificate.
    • Register your Control Plane as a target group associated with the ALB.
    • Update ALB Security Group to allow inbound traffic on port 443 and allow outbound on your server’s port (default: 8080) for the Control Plane Security Group.
    • Update your Route53 or DNS provider settings to point domain or subdomain to the ALB using a CNAME record.
  • Direct IP Aliasing
    • Obtain a valid Domain Name and TLS Certificate.
    • Update the repository server configuration in the Control Plane configuration with the generated certificate.
    • Update your Route53 or DNS provider settings to point domain or subdomain to the Control Plane’s public IP using an A record.


By default, HTTPS is enabled for your Control Plane container on Azure when Ingress is enabled.

  • Use the Application URL with the following: https://<app-name>.<region>
  • Modify Ingress settings in order adjust the Control Plane’s Ingress configuration as needed.


To enable HTTPS for your Control Plane container on GCP, there are two options:

  • Using a Google Cloud HTTPS Load Balancer (Recommended for production)
    • Obtain a valid domain name and TLS certificate. You can use Google-managed certificates for simplicity.
    • Create a Google Cloud HTTPS Load Balancer and configure it to listen on port 443.
    • Attach the TLS certificate to the HTTPS Load Balancer.
    • If you optionally wish to implement TLS encryption on the traffic between Google Cloud HTTPS Load Balancer and Control Plane server, generate a certificate for the server and update repository server configuration in the Control Plane configuration with the generated certificate.
    • Register your Control Plane as a backend service associated with the Load Balancer.
    • Update the firewall rules to allow inbound traffic on port 443 and allow outbound traffic on your server’s port (default: 8080) for the Control Plane’s network.
    • Update your Cloud DNS settings or your DNS provider to point your domain or subdomain to the Load Balancer’s IP address using a CNAME or A record.
  • Direct IP Aliasing
    • Obtain a valid domain name and TLS certificate.
    • Update the repository server configuration in the Control Plane configuration with the generated certificate.
    • Update your Cloud DNS settings or your DNS provider to point your domain or subdomain to the Control Plane’s public IP address using an A record.


After configuration, restart the control plane to start the server.

Create a private package

To create a private package, use Gatling Plugin deployment commands with control plane URL configured:

Delete a private package

To delete a private package, delete the package within Gatling Enterprise Cloud. The control plane will receive the order to delete the package on the configured private repository.

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