Dynatrace integration
Set a custom test header on all generated requests.
Use Case
While executing a load test from Gatling, each simulated HTTP request can be tagged with additional HTTP headers that contain test-transaction information (for example, script name, test step name, and virtual user ID). Dynatrace can analyze incoming HTTP headers and extract such contextual information from the header values and tag the captured requests with request attributes. Request attributes enable you to filter your monitoring data based on defined tags. Check more information on Dynatrace’s documentation.
You can use any (or multiple) HTTP headers or HTTP parameters to pass context information. The extraction rules can be configured via Settings > Server-side service monitoring > Request attributes.
The header x-dynatrace-test
is used in the following examples with the following set of key/value pairs for the header:
Acronym | Full Term | Description |
VU | Virtual User ID | A unique identifier for the virtual user who sent the request. |
SI | Source ID | Identifies the product that triggered the request (e.g., Gatling). |
TSN | Test Step Name | Represents a logical test step within the load testing script (e.g., Login, Add to Cart). |
LSN | Load Script Name | Name of the load testing script that groups test steps into a multistep transaction (e.g., Online Purchase). |
LTN | Load Test Name | Uniquely identifies a test execution (e.g., 6h Load Test – June 25). |
PC | Page Context | Provides information about the document loaded on the currently processed page. |
Suggested Solution
The idea here is to use sign
on the HttpProtocol to define a global signing function to be applied on all generated requests.
private static final String Hostname;
static {
try {
Hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
// Source Id identifies the product that triggered the request
private static final String SI = "GATLING";
// The Load Test Name uniquely identifies a test execution
private final String LTN =
getClass().getSimpleName() +
"_" +
HttpProtocolBuilder httpProtocol = http
.sign((request, session) -> {
// Virtual User ID of the unique user who sent the request
String VU = Hostname + "_" + session.scenario() + "_" + session.userId();
// Test Step Name is a logical test step within your load testing script
String TSN = request.getName();
// Load Script Name - name of the load testing script.
String LSN = session.scenario();
// Page Context provides information about the document
String PC = String.join(",", session.groups());
"VU=" + VU + ";SI=" + SI + ";TSN=" + TSN + ";LSN=" + LSN + ";LTN=" + LTN + ";PC=" + PC
return request;
private val Hostname: String = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()
// Source Id identifies the product that triggered the request
private val SI = "GATLING"
// The Load Test Name uniquely identifies a test execution
private val LTN =
javaClass.simpleName +
"_" +
val httpProtocol = http
.sign { request: Request, session: Session ->
// Virtual User ID of the unique user who sent the request
val VU = "${Hostname}_${session.scenario()}_${session.userId()}"
// Test Step Name is a logical test step within your load testing script
val TSN = request.name
// Load Script Name - name of the load testing script.
val LSN = session.scenario()
// Page Context provides information about the document
val PC = session.groups().joinToString(",")
request.headers["x-dynaTrace"] =
private val Hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName
// Source Id identifies the product that triggered the request
private val SI = "GATLING"
// The Load Test Name uniquely identifies a test execution
private val LTN =
getClass.getSimpleName +
"_" +
val httpProtocol = http
.sign { (request, session) =>
// Virtual User ID of the unique user who sent the request
val VU = s"${Hostname}_${session.scenario}_${session.userId}"
// Test Step Name is a logical test step within your load testing script
val TSN = request.getName
// Load Script Name - name of the load testing script.
val LSN = session.scenario
// Page Context provides information about the document
val PC = session.groups.mkString(",")