Dynatrace integration

Set a Dynatrace header on all generated requests.

Use Case

As described in Dynatrace’s documentation, you can define a custom header in your load tests that you can then parse on the Dynatrace side.

Suggested Solution

The idea here is to use sign on the HttpProtocol to define a global signing function to be applied on all generated requests.

private static final String Hostname;

static {
  try {
    Hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
  } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);

// Source Id identifies the product that triggered the request
private static final String SI = "GATLING";

// The Load Test Name uniquely identifies a test execution
private final String LTN =
  getClass().getSimpleName() +
    "_" +

HttpProtocolBuilder httpProtocol = http
  .sign((request, session) -> {
    // Virtual User ID of the unique user who sent the request
    String VU = Hostname + "_" + session.scenario() + "_" + session.userId();

    // Test Step Name is a logical test step within your load testing script
    String TSN = request.getName();

    // Load Script Name - name of the load testing script.
    String LSN = session.scenario();

    // Page Context provides information about the document
    String PC = String.join(",", session.groups());

        "VU=" + VU + ";SI=" + SI + ";TSN=" + TSN + ";LSN=" + LSN + ";LTN=" + LTN + ";PC=" + PC

    return request;
Not supported by Gatling JS.
private val Hostname: String = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()

// Source Id identifies the product that triggered the request
private val SI = "GATLING"

// The Load Test Name uniquely identifies a test execution
private val LTN =
  javaClass.simpleName +
  "_" +

val httpProtocol = http
  .sign { request: Request, session: Session ->
    // Virtual User ID of the unique user who sent the request
    val VU = "${Hostname}_${session.scenario()}_${session.userId()}"

    // Test Step Name is a logical test step within your load testing script
    val TSN = request.name

    // Load Script Name - name of the load testing script.
    val LSN = session.scenario()

    // Page Context provides information about the document
    val PC = session.groups().joinToString(",")

    request.headers["x-dynaTrace"] =

private val Hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName

// Source Id identifies the product that triggered the request
private val SI = "GATLING"

// The Load Test Name uniquely identifies a test execution
private val LTN =
  getClass.getSimpleName +
    "_" +

val httpProtocol = http
  .sign { (request, session) =>
    // Virtual User ID of the unique user who sent the request
    val VU = s"${Hostname}_${session.scenario}_${session.userId}"

    // Test Step Name is a logical test step within your load testing script
    val TSN = request.getName

    // Load Script Name - name of the load testing script.
    val LSN = session.scenario

    // Page Context provides information about the document
    val PC = session.groups.mkString(",")


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