Kubernetes locations configuration

Private Locations on your Kubernetes cluster.

Instance specifications

We recommend that you use for your own load generators pods with at least 4 cores. See CPU requests and limits configuration below.

You might want to tune the Xmx JVM options to half of the memory request. See jvm-options configuration below. If you don’t, the JVM will use a max heap size of 1/4th of the physical memory.

Also, if you’re deploying your load generators in the same cluster as the application under test, we recommend that you isolate the load generators on their dedicated nodes, using taints and tolerations. See tolerations configuration below.


To use Kubernetes private locations, the control plane must have access to your Kubernetes cluster.

If the control plane is launched from outside the cluster, you have to give access to a valid Kubernetes file. See Organizing Cluster Access Using kubeconfig Files. The .kube folder can be mounted in /app, and absolute path must be set in a KUBECONFIG environment variable (e.g. KUBECONFIG=/app/.kube/config)

If the control plane is launched from inside the cluster, please refer to our Kubernetes Control plane deployment documentation

System requirements

Kubernetes private locations image rely on some dependencies.

So when using a custom image, make sure following are available:

Control plane configuration file

control-plane {
  # Control plane token
  token = "cpt_example_c7oze5djp3u14a5xqjanh..."
  # Control plane token with an environment variable
  # Control plane description (optional)
  description = "my control plane description"
  # Locations configurations
  locations = [
      # Private location ID, must be prefixed by prl_, only consist of numbers 0-9, 
      # lowercase letters a-z, and underscores, with a max length of 30 characters
      id = "prl_private_location_example"
      # Private location description (optional)
      description = "Private Location on Kubernetes"
      # Private location type
      type = "kubernetes"
      # Namespace (optional, default based on kubernetes configuration)
      namespace = "gatling"
      # Certified image configuration
      # They are hosted on Docker Hub, and available for the linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 platforms
      image {
        type = certified
        java = latest # Possible values : 11, 17, 21 or latest
      # Custom image configuration
      # You can build your own images from https://github.com/gatling/frontline-injector-docker-image
      # image {
      #   type = custom
      #   image = "gatlingcorp/classic-openjdk:latest"
      # }
      # Image pull secret
      # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
      # image-pull-secret = "<your secret name>"
      # Clean up finished jobs resources after given time (optional)
      ttl-after-finished = 10 minutes
      # Service account used for load generator pods (optional)
      # service-account-name = "myServiceAccount"
      # Labels of initiated resources (optional)
      labels {
        # ExampleKey = ExampleValue
      # Annotations of initiated resources (optional)
      annotations {
        # ExampleKey = ExampleValue
      # Node selector of initiated pods (optional)
      node-selector {
        # ExampleKey = ExampleValue
      # Environment variables of initiated pods (optional)
      environment-variables {
        # ExampleKey = ExampleValue
      # Resources configuration for created pods (optional).
      # https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container
      # Even though this configuration is optional (when undefined, the default values for your cluster will be used),
      # we STRONGLY recommend using specifications that are equal or above to the following values.
      # We also recommend to set both requests and limits to the same values.
      resources {
        limits {
          # memory = "1Gi"
          # cpu = "4.0"
        requests {
          # memory = "1Gi"
          # cpu = "4.0"
      # Tolerations (optional)
      tolerations = [
      #  {
      #    key = key1
      #    operator = Equal
      #    # Value is not needed when effect is Exists (optional)
      #    value = value1 
      #    # An empty effect matches all effects with key (optional)
      #    effect = NoSchedule
      #  }
      # Init Containers (optional)
      init-containers = [
      #  {
      #     Name of the init container
      #     name = "init-container-name-1"
      #     Image of the init container
      #     image = "init-container-image-1"
      #     Override entrypoint of the image (optional)
      #     command = ["printenv"]
      #     Pass arguments to the entrypoint of the image (optional)  
      #     args = ["HOSTNAME", "KUBERNETES_PORT"]
      #  }
      # Java configuration (following configuration properties are optional)
      # System properties (optional)
      system-properties {
        # ExampleKey = ExampleValue
      # Overwrite JAVA_HOME definition (optional)
      # java-home = "/usr/lib/jvm/zulu"
      # JVM Options (optional)
      # Default ones, that can be overridden with precedence:
      # [
      #   "-XX:MaxInlineLevel=20", 
      #   "-XX:MaxTrivialSize=12", 
      #   "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions", 
      #   "--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED", 
      #   "--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED"
      # ]
      # Based on your instance configuration, you may want to update Xmx and Xms values.
      # jvm-options = ["-Xmx4G", "-Xms512M"]

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