
Analyze your reports and discover the bottlenecks in your application.

Click on the icon in the simulations table or in the runs table to access the reports.

This view displays all the metrics available for a specific run.

The page is split into a header displaying the run title with the general actions, and the three main following sections:


The main objective of this tab is to provide a brief overview of your run performance.

The first section gives you general information about your run configuration and execution:

Summary general section

You can add a description to your run by clicking the Edit button and then Save.

Main KPIs

This section displays your run main KPIs:

Summary main KPIs
  • Error ratio: the ratio of responses with errors compared with the total number, in percent
  • Total requests: the total number of requests made during the run
  • Max. concurrent V.U: the maximum number of concurrent virtual users during the run
  • P95 response time: the response time of one of the requests, such that 95% of the requests were faster and only 5% were slower


Assertions are the run’s acceptance criteria. It allows you to quickly know if your requirements are met or not. After having observed the first run(s) results, you will be able to define your criteria to validate a simulation.

Gatling gives you the ability to create your own custom assertions thanks to our DSL.

Each assertion has a status (successful or failed) that let you know which part of your run met your requirements.

Summary assertions

Request and response charts

The following section contains a global overview of your requests and responses per second and the response time percentiles:

Summary charts

Errors list

The final section contains the details of every error that occurred during your run:

Summary errors


Gatling Reports gives you all the information you need regarding the run execution: details about the injection profile, results including advanced metrics in various charts and formats to allow deep analysis, and also the possibility to export the raw data for custom reporting.

All metrics and charts are split into the following panels:

Using the request timeline at the top of the page, you can select your run time range to review. Either select a predefined time range from the dropdown menu or drag and drop on the chart the desired area.

Report timeline


The requests panel allows you to review how your requests and responses performed over time. You can add scenarios, groups and requests filtering options to filter by your criteria.

You can visualize your run execution using charts:

Report requests charts

or using tabular data:

Report requests table

You can download the table as a CSV file for later use. To do so, you can click the download button on the top right side of the table.


CSV files are generated according to the selected Scenario


When downloading a group level summary, you receive data for both Duration and Cumulated response time.


If you defined groups in your simulation, you will be able to break down your results per each one of them.

Once again like the requests panel, you can visualize your run execution using charts:

Report groups charts

or using tabular data:

Report groups table

You can download the table as a CSV file for later use. To do so, you can click the download button on the top right side of the table.

Download group csv

CSV files are generated according to the selected Scenario


When downloading a group-level summary, you receive data for both Duration and Cumulated response time.


The users panel shows how your virtual users defined in your injection profile where injected over time in your simulation.

Report Users panel


The connections panel shows metrics regarding the number of socket connections, TCP events, and TLS handshakes over time.

Report Connections panel


The DNS panel shows metrics related to DNS requests made during the run execution.

Report DNS panel

Load Generators

This panel shows metrics related to the CPU, heap, GC, and TCP events of the load generators VMs used for your run and configured in your simulation.

Report Load Generators panel


This tab allows you to read logs from your simulation and load generators while your run is ongoing or when it failed.

Report Logs

The page header lets you edit your run title by clicking the icon and gives you access to general actions:

A shareable link is a link to the current report that is accessible to anyone without having to log in to Gatling Enterprise. To generate a shareable link, click on the Share button in the Actions dropdown at the top right of your page and choose the expiration date of your link.

Report export button
Generate public links

The maximum allowed lifetime for a shareable link is 1 year.

Choose an expiration date, then click the generate button.

Successful public link generation

You can copy the shareable link to share your report to non-Gatling Enterprise users, or click on the Shareable link itself to access it. Click on the OK button to close this modal.

The “Print to PDF” option lets you create your own custom report. This custom report is visible online or in a PDF file that you can easily save and share.

All metrics and charts displayed in the Report tab are available for your custom report. You can also create reusable templates for your future needs.

Click the “Print to PDF” button in the Actions dropdown to access the configure and print PDF page.

Print to PDF button

This report is initialized with:

  • a title element with the date of the run you were coming from
  • the run status
  • the run comments
  • the run assertions
  • the run requests summary
  • 3 charts of the run:
    • Requests and Responses per second
    • Responses per Second by Status
    • Response Time Percentiles
Print to PDF page

This page is a configurable list of different elements that will be displayed in the report. You can click on the Add block button under every element to add another one.

Every element can be moved up or down by clicking on the arrows on the top right of the element, or be removed by clicking on the red trash icon.

Those elements are composed of:

  • Title: adds a title element.
  • Text Area: adds an editable text element.
  • New Page: allows you to skip a page in the report.
  • Run:
    • Status: adds an editable text element with a predefined text set to the status of the selected run.
    • Comments: adds an editable text element with a predefined text set to the comments of the selected run.
    • Assertions: adds a table with the assertions of the selected run.
    • Summary: adds the summary table of the selected run in a new landscape page.
  • Chart: adds a chart element that you can interact with before exporting it to PDF.
  • Counts: adds a count chart element that you can interact with before exporting it to PDF.

As you can see below, every chart (or other element) can be interacted with individually. You can zoom in on sections, or select the run, the scenario, the group, etc.. whose data you want to fetch. You do not need to have the same settings for each element.

Export charts

After adding all desired elements in the report you can click on the Preview & Print to PDF button on the top right or the page to get your PDF file.

Export actions

There are two more actions available to you:

  • Save: saves the current Export configuration:
    • as a template: this option will save the element list without the content
    • as a save: this option saves everything, including the content of the Text Area and the configuration of the graphs
  • Load: load a previously saved template or save.

View properties

The View properties button, located in the top right action bar, shows every property you configured for your run.

Run properties
Run properties

Useful Tips


You can reset the zoom status by double-clicking on a chart. It is possible to change the time range window by doing any of the following actions:

  • Clicking the zoom icons of the control buttons
  • Selecting a zone in any charts or timelines
  • Selecting a range of time from the top navigation bar


To ease your analysis, right-click on the charts to create markers. Click on the top of the marker to delete it.


Multiple Highlights

In the top right menu, you can activate the Multiple Highlights setting which allows the tooltip to be displayed on every chart at the same time.


Percentiles Mask

In the top right menu, you can click on the Percentiles setting to be able to choose which percentiles to display in the chart.

Percentiles mask
Percentiles chart

Date Time / Elapsed Time

In the top right menu, you can activate the Date Time setting which lets you switch from elapsed time to date time.


Highlight Legend

If you hover your mouse over a label on the percentiles chart legend, you will be able to highlight the curve on the chart, leading to a better view of that curve. The highlight legend option is enabled for every “non stacked” graph.

Highlight chart

Run comparison

Gatling enterprise also offers the possibility to view and compare reports for each run.

You can either decide to export a PDF report and select for each chart which run it relates to, or you can compare the request response times and error rates using the compare function in the simulation details page.

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