
To view settings about your organization, click on the Organization settings button or on the Organization menu item.

Organization settings button
The organization settings button
Organization menu
The organization menu item

If you’ve been invited to multiple organizations, you can switch between them by clicking on the organization name in the top right corner.

Multiple organizations


Organization profile information
  • Avatar - Composed by default from the two first characters of your Organization name.
  • Organization Name - The display name for your organization.
  • Organization Slug - Unique string name, in lowercase and spaced by dashes -.


Depending on your role, shows all users or administrators in your organization.

Organization users

If you are an administrator, you can edit the roles of each user using the Edit roles button:

Edit user roles


Create, see the pending invitations in your organization, and resend them if you need it by clicking the Resend invitation button:

Organization invitations


See the existing teams in your organization and their users using the See members button:

Organization teams

You can also see how many API tokens, simulations or packages belong to this team using the clickable badges in the Relations column:

Organization teams relations


This page shows how your credits where consumed during your current billable month.

Organization usage


This page covers your billing and credit consumption settings and your subscribed plans history, if any.

Organization billing

Billing settings

You can click the Customer portal to update your billing settings and download your invoices:

Organization billing settings

You will then be redirected to our Stripe portal:

Organization billing portal

Credits consumption

The amount of consumed and remaining credits are displayed for both paid and trial plans. For paid plans, the credits consumed are for your billing period:

Organization paid plan credits
The credits consumption view for a paid plan
Organization paid plan credits
The credits consumption view for a free plan

Extra credits

When you approach the credit limits of your plan:

Empty credits

And you don’t want to wait the next filling of credit, you can activate extra credits by clicking button Edit spending limit

Edit extra credits limit

And set new extra credit limit.

Extra credits used

Now simulations – you couldn’t launch before – can run consuming extra credits.


Plans view history.

Organization plan
  • Status - Current status of the payment plan: Terminated, Active, or PaymentFailure.
  • From - Start date of the plan.
  • To - End date of the plan, if there is one.
  • Credits - Number of credits awarded each month by the plan.


Payment via Stripe

This page shows all available offers for your organization. You can choose the number of credits for your offer. A credit represents a minute of usage of one Gatling load generator.

Available Offers

Click on the Subscribe now button in order to buy the desired offer via stripe. If you want to change your current offer, or buy the Custom one, please click on Contact us.

Payment via AWS Marketplace

After creating an Organization and an organization Admin user you can choose to subscribe to an offer via the AWS marketplace:

AWS marketplace offer

Select, among other options, the contract option:

Contract option

And click on Create contract:

Create contract

To finish setup, fill out the subscription form with current users and organization information:

setup subscription

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