Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.11

Dropping the old ${} Gatling Expression Language

In the old days, Gatling used to use a ${} syntax to define expressions for its Expression Language. This pattern caused clashes with the String interpolation features that were introduced In Scala, then Kotlin and finally Java. To avoid confusion and clashes, Gatling 3.7.0, released in November 2021, introduced a new #{} syntax and deprecated the old one. Keeping on using the old syntax would still work but would issue some WARN logs.

Dropping old names for methods that were renamed a long time ago

Gatling SDK Module Old method name New method name
Java Core: switches `Choice#withKey` `onCase`
Java Core: switches `Choice#withWeight` `percent`
Java/scala Core: feeders `convert` `transform`
Scala Core: open injection profile `heavisideUsers` `stressPeakUsers`
Java/Scala HTTP: resources inferring `WhiteList` `AllowList`
Java/Scala HTTP: resources inferring `BlackList` `DenyList`
Java/Scala HTTP: polling `polling` `poll`
Java/Scala HTTP: HTTP/1.1 resources `maxConnectionsPerHostLikeXXX` `maxConnectionsPerHost(n)`
Java/Scala HTTP: checks `ignoreDefaultChecks` `ignoreProtocolChecks`
Java/Scala MQTT: checks `wait` `await`

Dropping unused features

The HTTP protocol virtualHost method has been dropped. If you want to hit a specific IP address while forcing the hostname, you can achieve the same result with bypassing the DNS resolution using the existing hostNameAliases.

Replacing the hand-made bundle with a Maven wrapper based one

The Gatling standalone bundle was created as a means for non developers to start using Gatling without having to install anything but a JDK on their machine.

Over the years, we’ve realized several limitations:

  1. it’s not compatible with IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA, eclipse or VSCode as it has a non-standard structure
  2. it doesn’t let the user grow skills and become familiar with professional usage such as IDEs and build tools
  3. it requires a huge effort to maintain a Scala incremental compiler integration

As a result, we’ve opted for providing a maven wrapper based bundle. This bundle ships all the necessary libraries and works offline, both for Gatling and for maven itself. This way, it can be used by users who are not familiar with configuring maven to work in their Corporate network. As it uses a maven project layout, it can be easily imported in any IDE.

Migrating from the standalone bundle to the Maven-based bundle

The following procedure assists you to migrate from the standalone bundle to the new Maven-based bundle.

  1. Download the Maven-based bundle.

  2. Upgrade your existing project to Gatling 3.10.5 if you are not already on this version.

  3. From your existing project:

    • Copy all files from user-files/simulations/ of the Gatling bundle to src/test/java/ in your Maven project.
    • Copy all files from user-files/resources/ of the Gatling bundle to src/test/resources/ in your Maven project.
    • (optional) Open pom.xml in the Maven project and modify it to compile with your version of Java (example for Java 11):
  4. Verify a successful migration by starting a simulation:

    ./mvnw gatling:test
    mvnw.cmd gatling:test

Dropping relative filesystem path resolution for resources (feeders, bodies)

Before Gatling 3.11, it was possible to define feeder and body files paths as relative to the current location, typically the root of the project. This way of doing things was very error-prone.

As of Gatling 3.11, we only support:

  • absolute paths
  • classpath paths, meaning that a file in src/test/resources/data/foo.csv must be referenced as data/foo.csv

Upgrading the gatling-maven-plugin to 4.8.0

The Maven plugin now requires at least 3.6.3. This is the same baseline as the latest versions of the main Maven plugins.

  • by default, it runs in interactive mode and lets you select the desired simulation amongst the list of available ones
  • when running on a CI, it automatically switches to non-interactive mode and fails if no simulation is explicitly specified

This new behavior is more aligned with local usage from a human and CI usage from a program.

Upgrading the gatling-gradle-plugin to 3.11.0

  • It has the same behavior as the new version of the Maven plugin: interactive by default, unless when running on a CI.
  • It now uses a --simulation=<FullyQualifiedClassName> option to force the desired simulation instead of the non-standard gatlingRun-<FullyQualifiedClassName> pattern.
  • It no longer applies the java and scala plugins automatically. It’s the responsibility of the user to apply the desired plugin for their language of choice. See the relevant demo project for Java and Scala for how to apply the suited plugin in your gradle build.
  • It no longer generate a logback conf when there’s none defined. logLevel and logHttp have been dropped and must be removed from your build.gradle. Instead, you must add a logback conf file as demoed in our demo projects.

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