Thanks so much for trying Gatling Enterprise Cloud. To access the cloud visit https://cloud.gatling.io/ to log in.
Create your own account
Click on the register link to open the sign up form.
Fill out the form and press Register to create your account and receive an validation email.
Connect with an identity provider
Click on the identity provider you want to connect with (e.g: GitHub, Google). You’ll be redirected and asked to authorize the application.
You will need to authorize it. We only require access to your public profile and email address.
Then, you will have to fill in your profile information (some values may be pre-filled from your identity provider’s data, but you can still modify them).
Email validation
In any case, you will be asked to confirm your account email
Click on Accept the invitation or use the link to finalize your registration on Gatling Enterprise Cloud.
On your first login, if you haven’t accepted any invitation, you will be redirected to the Organization creation page.