
Debugging guide Debug Gatling scripts by printing session values or with logback.
Passing parameters to a simulation Use Java system properties to pass parameters to a Gatling Simulation.
Grouping Feeder records Group different records from a Gatling Feeder.
Dynatrace integration Set a custom test header on all generated requests.
AWS Secrets Manager Integrate AWS Secrets Manager with your Gatling scripts to securely retrieve and manage secret values after the initialization stage of your load generators.
Use S3 Bucket Feeders for large scale data Learn how to use AWS S3 buckets to store and fetch simulation feeder data.
Configuration-as-code Learn how to configure and deploy tests to Gatling Enterprise Cloud using a package descriptor conf file.
Create a load test with basic authentication Add basic authentication using a csv feeder to your Gatling simulation.
Integrate Gatling with Github Actions Set up automated performance testing in your CI/CD pipeline using Gatling and GitHub Actions
Integrate Gatling with Gitlab CI/CD Add performance testing to your Gitlab CI/CD pipeline with Gatling Enterprise.