Integrating Azure DevOps Pipelines

Run your Gatling Enterprise simulations from Azure DevOps Pipelines.

We do not currently provide an official Azure Pipelines extension. This page documents how to use our CI script to run tests on Gatling Enterprise with Azure DevOps


You will need:

  • A git repository: we will be using GitHub in our example
  • A working simulation on Gatling Enterprise Self-Hosted: you will need its ID later on, which you can copy with Copy Simulation ID to clipboard in the Simulations page
  • An API token whichs needs the All role.

On Azure DevOps, your will need:

  • An Azure DevOps project
  • An agent pool:
    • You can learn how to create one by following the official Azure Devops documentation
    • You will need the agent pool’s name later on, in our example we will use AzurePipelinesAgentsPool

Preparing the repository

First, download the CI script, unzip it and put the content at the root of the repository. Make sure it is named

Create a file called azure-pipelines.yml at the root of the repository with the following content:

trigger: none

pool: AzurePipelinesPool # Name of the agent pool configured in Azure DevOps

- task: Bash@3
  displayName: Install JQ
    targetType: 'inline'
    # Curl and JQ are required by the CI script
    # In this example, we use Ubuntu agents which come with curl but not jq
    script: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install jq'
- task: Bash@3
  displayName: Start simulation
    filePath: ''
    arguments: >

Creating a pipeline

On Azure DevOps, click on Pipelines in the left menu, then on Create Pipeline or New Pipeline.

From here, you will follow a 4 steps process: Connect -> Select -> Configure -> Review.

  1. On the Connect step, select the type of the repository you want to use. We will be using GitHub.

  2. On the Select step, select the repository your created earlier.

    If you never connected Azure DevOps to your GitHub account, you’ll be prompted by GitHub to authorize the Azure DevOps application to access your repositories on your behalf.

    After your account is linked, you will be able to browse your repositories. When using an organization repository, click on All repositories on the top right.

  3. On the Configure step, as we already made a azure-pipelines.yml file, the step will be skipped and you will be asked to review its content directly.

  4. On the Review step, create three variables by clicking New variable on the top right, then:

    • gatlingEnterpriseUrl: your Gatling Enterprise Self-Hosted hostname
    • apiToken: make sure Keep this value secret is enabled
    • simulationId: use the ID of the simulation you want to run

Here is what it looks like:

Variables all configured
Variables all configured

Click on Save, and then on Run to start the job. You will be redirected to the Job summary page.

After the job has been queued, if you see permissions errors, click on the red Permission needed link on the bottom left:

Permissions needed waiting for user action

After the job is created and queued, you can see the output of a Gatling Enterprise run by clicking on Job, then on the Start simulation task:

Example of a successful run

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