Installation with Docker
Learn how to install Gatling Enterprise with Docker.
Running Gatling Enterprise with Docker is the recommended solution to get started quickly, as it requires the minimal amount of setup and is the easiest way to upgrade to newer versions.
We provide a Docker Compose configuration as an example. While it is a good start, it is not recommended for production workload as it requires having the database and Gatling Enterprise in dedicated hosts for performance reasons.
You can reuse every configuration shown here to spawn your own Docker based environment, could it be volumes that needs to be backed up, properties, ports mapping, and so on.
Quick Checklist
- Contact support with your Docker Hub username to get access to the Gatling Enterprise Docker image
- Prepare a folder to hold the Docker Compose configuration, and inside this folder, make three subfolders:
, kept emptyfrontline-conf
prepared with the defaultfrontline.conf
, kept empty
- Optionally, create this subfolder:
, kept empty
You can skip to the Docker Compose configuration section if you already know the details.
Detailed Checklist
Create a folder that will hold the Docker Compose configuration. We will make multiple subfolders inside to hold the required volumes. These volumes are meant to be backed up and reused when upgrading to one version to the next:
holds all the data of Gatling Enterprisefrontline-conf
contains the core configuration of Gatling Enterprisefrontline-keys
contains secrets that are used to either spawn injectors or get access to private sources used to run tests
Optionally, create this subfolder:
contains the cache of all the build tools that can be used with Gatling Enterprise, such as: Maven, Gradle and sbt
You can create all three (or four) folders inside the folder of your choice. Later on, we will add the main Docker Compose configuration into this main folder.
Getting Gatling Enterprise’s Docker image
Gatling Enterprise image is hosted as a private image on our organization’s Docker Hub. Please contact our support and provide us with your Docker Hub username so we can grant you access.
Gatling Enterprise will be available under the tag name gatlingcorp/frontline:1.24.0
You can pull it directly to validate your access:
docker pull gatlingcorp/frontline:1.24.0
docker login
with the username you provided to our support.Preparing the Cassandra database
We will be using the official Cassandra image under the tag name cassandra:4
This image will push data into a folder named cassandra-data
, that is mapped to the container’s inner folder /var/lib/cassandra
Cassandra is available on port 9042
. It won’t be visible in the configuration as we will put all services in the same network.
Copy Gatling Enterprise default configuration
If not already done, add a folder called frontline-conf
into the main Docker Compose folder.
It will store the license information and the key used for data encryption.
In this folder, copy the Gatling Enterprise default configuration and name it frontline.conf
It is possible to override some configuration using environment variables for convenience, such as FRONTLINE_CASSANDRA_HOST
Copy logging configuration
The default log behavior is too verbose from a performance point of view.
You will have to put this logback.xml
file in the same directory as the previous frontline.conf
Inside frontline-conf
, add logback.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d [%-5level] %logger{15} - %msg%n%rEx</pattern>
<logger name="io.gatling.frontline" level="INFO"/>
<root level="WARN">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
Notice the <logger>
line which put the log level of Gatling Enterprise to INFO
When contacting support about anything, it is useful to put this specific log level DEBUG
in order to provide us with as much debugging information as possible.
Prepare private keys folder
Finally, we need to prepare a folder called frontline-keys
that will hold uploaded private keys. It is required by features like Git cloning and by most cloud providers.
You can leave it empty.
Prepare repositories cache folder
This step is optional.
Building a Gatling project for the first time, using Maven, Gradle, or sbt, will download some dependencies that will be stored on disk. It is possible to make a volume of these folders to avoid downloading the same files again each time you spin up a new Gatling Enterprise container.
Prepare a folder called repositories-cache
that will hold these downloaded dependencies.
You can leave it empty.
Assembling and using Docker Compose
Put this configuration into a file called docker-compose.yml
and after customizing the host folders you configured previously, then run:
docker-compose up -d
to let Gatling Enterprise know where to find cassandra. Because of the docker context, they are two different containers and cannot, by default, reach each other as localhost. If really they are on the same host, you can add --network host
argument to docker run.Docker compose
For your convenience, here are some docker compose instructions to set up a quick test environment. This is enough to start Gatling Enterprise locally.
Cassandra container:
Based on cassandra image cassandra:4.1
, you’ll have to bind a local directory on the volume to store and keep your data. A healthcheck will be started on the container.
Gatling Enterprise container:
Wait until cassandra container healthcheck indicates that all is well. Set the version of Gatling Enterprise you want to deploy, bind a local directory for Gatling Enterprise configuration and keys.
Create a folder to store the files, add the given docker-compose.yml
, then run docker-compose up -d
Once ready, visit Gatling Enterprise at http://localhost:10542!
version: '2.4'
container_name: cassandra
image: cassandra:4.1
- ./cassandra-data:/var/lib/cassandra
# - <path to your cassandra directory (default empty)>:/var/lib/cassandra
- frontline-network
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "[ $$(nodetool statusgossip) = running ]"]
interval: 30s
timeout: 10s
retries: 10
container_name: frontline
image: gatlingcorp/frontline:1.24.0
- 10542:10542
- frontline-network
# FRONTLINE_CASSANDRA_HOST and FRONTLINE_CASSANDRA_PORT are used to update frontline.conf
# Provides a default pool that can be used for testing. Not recommended for production.
- ./frontline-conf:/opt/frontline/conf
# - <path to your frontline conf directory (default contains frontline.conf)>:/opt/frontline/conf
- ./frontline-keys:/opt/frontline/keys
# - <path to your frontline keys directory (default empty)>:/opt/frontline/keys
# If using Maven
- ./repositories-cache/maven:/opt/frontline/.m2
# If using Gradle
- ./repositories-cache/gradle:/opt/frontline/.gradle
# If using sbt
- ./repositories-cache/ivy2:/opt/frontline/.ivy2
- ./repositories-cache/sbt:/opt/frontline/.sbt
condition: service_healthy
driver: bridge