Gatling sbt Plugin

The sbt plugin allows you to run Gatling tests from the command line, without the bundle, as well as to package your simulations for Gatling Enterprise

This sbt plugin integrates Gatling with sbt, allowing to use Gatling as a testing framework. It can also be used to package your Gatling project to run it on Gatling Enterprise.


Check out available versions on Maven Central.

Beware that milestones (M versions) are not documented for OSS users and are only released for Gatling Enterprise customers.


If you prefer to manually configure your sbt project rather than clone our sample, you need to add the Gatling plugin dependency to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("io.gatling" % "gatling-sbt" % "MANUALLY_REPLACE_WITH_LATEST_VERSION")

And then add the Gatling library dependencies and enable the Gatling plugin in your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "io.gatling.highcharts" % "gatling-charts-highcharts" % "MANUALLY_REPLACE_WITH_LATEST_VERSION" % "test"
libraryDependencies += "io.gatling"            % "gatling-test-framework"    % "MANUALLY_REPLACE_WITH_LATEST_VERSION" % "test"

‘Test’ vs ‘Integration Tests’ configurations

This plugin offers two different custom sbt configurations, named Gatling and GatlingIt. They are tied to different source directories (see next section for more details) and therefore allow to separate your simulations according to your needs, should you desire it.


  • Your simulations with low injection profiles, which may serve as functional tests, should live in src/test (the default source directory for the Gatling configuration), and run along your unit tests, since they would complete quickly
  • Longer, more complex simulations with high injection profiles, should live in src/it (the default source directory for the GatlingIt configuration) and be run on an as-needed basis.

Also, since they’re tied to separate sbt configurations, your sbt settings can then be customized per configuration. You can expect a relatively short simulation to run easily with the default JVM settings, but, for example, simulations with much higher load could require an increase of the max heap memory.

Default settings

For the Gatling configuration:

  • By default, Gatling simulations must be in src/test/scala, configurable using the Gatling / scalaSource setting.
  • By default, Gatling reports are written to target/gatling, configurable using the Gatling / target setting.

For the GatlingIt configuration:

  • By default, Gatling simulations must be in src/it/scala, configurable using the GatlingIt / scalaSource setting.
  • By default, Gatling reports are written to target/gatling-it, configurable using the GatlingIt / target setting.

If you override the default settings, you need to reset them on the project, eg:

Gatling / scalaSource := sourceDirectory.value / "gatling" / "scala"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).settings(inConfig(Gatling)(Defaults.testSettings): _*)

Multi-project support

If you have a multi-project build, make sure to only configure the subprojects which contain Gatling Simulations with the Gatling plugin and dependencies as described above. Your Gatling subproject can, however, depend on other subprojects.


Running your simulations

As with any sbt testing framework, you’ll be able to run Gatling simulations using sbt standard test, testOnly, testQuick, etc… tasks. However, since the sbt Plugin introduces many customizations that we don’t want to interfere with unit tests, those commands are integrated into custom configurations, meaning you’ll need to prefix them with Gatling/ or GatlingIt/.

For example, run all Gatling simulations from the test configuration:

sbt Gatling/test

Or run a single simulation, by its FQN (fully qualified class name), from the it configuration:

sbt 'GatlingIt/testOnly com.project.simu.MySimulation'

Running your simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud


You need to configure an an API token for most of the actions between the CLI and Gatling Enterprise Cloud.

Since you probably don’t want to include you secret token in your source code, you can configure it using either:

  • the GATLING_ENTERPRISE_API_TOKEN environment variable
  • the gatling.enterprise.apiToken Java System property

If really needed, you can also configure it in your build.sbt:

Gatling / enterpriseApiToken := "YOUR_API_TOKEN"

Deploying on Gatling Enterprise Cloud

With Gatling/enterpriseDeploy command, you can:

  • Create, update and upload packages
  • Create and update simulations

This command automatically checks your simulation project and performs the deployment according to your configuration.

By default, enterpriseDeploy searches for the package descriptor in .gatling/package.conf. However, you can target a different filename in .gatling by using the following command:

sbt 'Gatling/enterpriseDeploy --package-descriptor-filename "<file name>"'

Start your simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud

You can, using the gatling:enterpriseStart command:

By default, the Gatling plugin prompts the user to choose a simulation to start from among the deployed simulations. However, users can also specify the simulation name directly to bypass the prompt using the following command:

sbt 'Gatling/enterpriseStart "<simulation name>"'

Replace <simulation name> with the desired name of the simulation you want to start.

If you are on a CI environment, you don’t want to handle interaction with the plugin. Most CI tools define the CI environment variable, used by the Gatling plugin to disable interactions and run in headless mode.

If you need the command to wait until the run completes and to fail in case of assertion failures, you can enable:

Gatling / waitForRunEnd := true

Here are additional options for this command:

  • --run-title <title>: Allows setting a title for your run reports.
  • --run-description <description>: Allows setting a description for your run reports summary.

Upload a package manually


You can directly package your simulations for Gatling Enterprise Cloud using:

sbt Gatling/enterprisePackage

This will generate the target/gatling/<artifactId>-gatling-enterprise-<version>.jar package which you can then upload to the Cloud.

To package simulations from the it configuration, GatlingIt/enterprisePackage will generate the target/gatling-it/<artifactId>-gatling-enterprise-<version>.jar package.


You must already have configured a package. Copy the package ID from the Packages table, or copy the simulation ID linked to the package from the Simulations table.

Configure the package ID or simulation ID on the plugin:

Gatling / enterprisePackageId := "YOUR_PACKAGE_ID"
// If packageId is missing, the task will use the package linked to the simulationId
Gatling / enterpriseSimulationId := "YOUR_SIMULATION_ID"

You can also configure either of those using Java System properties:

  • packageId: gatling.enterprise.packageId
  • simulationId: gatling.enterprise.simulationId

Then package and upload your simulation to gatling Enterprise Cloud:

sbt Gatling/enterpriseUpload

To package and upload simulations from the it configuration, simply replace Gatling/ with GatlingIt/ in the configuration and command.

Private packages

Configure the Control Plane URL:

Gatling / enterpriseControlPlaneUrl := Some(URI.create("YOUR_CONTROL_PLANE_URL").toURL)

Once configured, your private package can be created and uploaded using the deploy command.

Additional tasks

Gatling’s sbt plugin also offers four additional tasks:

  • Gatling/startRecorder: starts the Recorder, configured to save recorded simulations to the location specified by Gatling/scalaSource (by default, src/test/scala).
  • Gatling/generateReport: generates reports for a specified report folder.
  • Gatling/lastReport: opens by the last generated report in your web browser. A simulation name can be specified to open the last report for that simulation.
  • Gatling/copyConfigFiles: copies Gatling’s configuration files (gatling.conf & recorder.conf) from the bundle into your project resources if they’re missing.
  • Gatling/copyLogbackXml: copies Gatling’s default logback.xml.

Overriding JVM options

Gatling’s sbt plugin uses the same default JVM options as the bundle launchers or the Maven plugin, which should be sufficient for most simulations. However, should you need to tweak them, you can use overrideDefaultJavaOptions to only override those default options, without replacing them completely.

E.g., if you want to tweak Xms/Xmx to give more memory to Gatling

Gatling / javaOptions := overrideDefaultJavaOptions("-Xms1024m", "-Xmx2048m")


If you’re interested in contributing, you can find the gatling-sbt plugin sources on GitHub.

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