JavaScript tooling

Run Gatling simulations written in JavaScript/TypeScript from the command line, and package them to run on Gatling Enterprise


Check out available versions on the npm registry.

Pre-requisites and compatibility

You need:

  • Node.js v18 or later (we only support using LTS versions)
  • npm v8 or later, which comes pre-installed with Node.js

Using another compatible package manager (such as Yarn) should also work, but you need to adapt the equivalent npm commands and configuration on your own.


Cloning or downloading our demo projects on GitHub is definitely the fastest way to get started. The repo includes both a JavaScript and a TypeScript projects.

If you prefer to manually configure your npm project rather than clone one of our samples, you will need to add the following dependencies:

npm install --save-dev ""
npm install --save ""
npm install --save ""

The package contains the gatling command-line interface (CLI) tool. Once added to your project’s dev dependencies, you can execute it with the command npx gatling without having to install it globally or add it to your shell’s path (see also the npx documentation).

You can explore all available commands with npx gatling --help, and all options for a given command with npx gatling command-name --help. The most typical usages are explained below.

Remember that you can define aliases for commonly used commands in the scripts section of you package.json file, as shown in the npm documentation.

Project layout

By default, the gatling CLI tool expects that:

  • Gatling simulation files are located in the src folder (can be overridden with the --sources-folder option).
    • The gatling tool will find simulations defined in files named with a .gatling.js or .gatling.ts extension at the root of this folder.
  • Resource files accessible to Gatling (e.g. feeder files) are located in the resources folder (can be overridden with the --resources-folder option).
  • When running locally, it will create test reports in the target/gatling folder (can be overridden with the --results-folder option).
  • When running locally or packaging for Gatling Enterprise, it will create a code bundle file at target/bundle.js (can be overridden with the --bundle-file option).
  • When packaging for Gatling Enterprise, it will create the package file at target/ (can be overridden with the --package-file option).

Dependency management

You can add other library dependencies from npm, as long as:

  • they do not rely on native (non-JavaScript) binaries
  • they do not use JavaScript APIs which are specific to Node.js

You can also use dev dependencies normally for other tools you might want to run on your code; e.g. our demo projects include a Prettier configuration for automatic code formatting.

Upgrade the JavaScript SDK version

Gatling periodically releases new versions of the JavaScript SDK to maintain compatibility with Gatling Enterprise, add new functionality, and improve performance. Be sure to check the Gatling upgrade guides for breaking changes.

Use the following procedure to upgrade your SDK version:

  1. Update the following in the package.json to the latest version and save the file:

    • version
  2. Run npm install

About the Gatling runtime bundle

The gatling CLI tool automatically downloads the Gatling runtime bundle, required to execute your Gatling simulations, when needed. By default, it:

  • Follows the proxy settings detected from your NPM configuration (.npmrc file) or environment variables (http_proxy or https_proxy), if any, to access the Internet and download the runtime bundle.
  • Installs the runtime bundle in the folder ~/.gatling (Linux/macOS) or %USERPROFILE%\.gatling (Windows). You can override this with the --gatling-home option.

The gatling CLI tool doesn’t download the Gatling runtime bundle if it cannot access the address Alternatively, you can try manually downloading the file from the releases page, being careful to choose the same version configured in your package.json file and the correct variant for your system: we use the same names for the system type and architecture as in the Node os library. Then install it with the command:

npx gatling install <>


Running your simulations

Use the gatling run command to execute Gatling simulations. For instance:

npx gatling run

Runs a simulation defined in a file matching the pattern src/*.gatling.js or src/*.gatling.ts, and writes the report inside the folder target/gatling. If several simulations are found, you will be asked to choose one.

You can also specify which simulation to run with the --simulation option; for instance, to run a simulation defined in src/my-simulation.gatling.js or src/my-simulation.gatling.ts:

npx gatling run --simulation "my-simulation"

You can pass options to you simulation using a key=value format, then read them using the getParameter function in your code (see the Passing parameters guide):

npx gatling run key1=value1 key2=value2

You can check out other options with npx gatling run --help.

Running the Gatling Recorder

You can launch the Gatling Recorder:

npx gatling recorder

You can check out other options with npx gatling recorder --help.

Running your simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud


You need to configure an API token for most of the actions between the CLI and Gatling Enterprise Cloud.

Since you probably don’t want to include you secret token in your source code, you can configure it using either:

  • the GATLING_ENTERPRISE_API_TOKEN environment variable
  • the --api-token option

Packaging your simulations for Gatling Enterprise Cloud

Use the enterprise-package command to create a package of your simulations to deploy on Gatling Enterprise. For instance:

npx gatling enterprise-package

Will create a package target/, which contains all simulations matching the pattern src/*.gatling.js or src/*.gatling.ts, and all resources files found in the resources folder.

You may want to specify the package file name:

npx gatling enterprise-package --package-file "target/"

You can check out other options with npx gatling enterprise-package --help.

Deploying on Gatling Enterprise Cloud

With the enterprise-deploy command, you can:

  • Create, update and upload packages
  • Create and update simulations

This command automatically checks your simulation project and performs the deployment according to your configuration.

By default, enterprise-deploy searches for the package descriptor in .gatling/package.conf. However, you can target a different filename in .gatling by using the following command:

npx gatling enterprise-deploy --package-descriptor-filename="<file name>"

Private packages

To create, update, and upload private packages, you need to specify the --control-plane-url option on the enterprise-deploy command:

npx gatling enterprise-deploy --control-plane-url <your control plane URL>

You can check out other options with npx gatling enterprise-deploy --help.

Start your simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud

You can, using the enterprise-start command:

By default, the Gatling plugin prompts the user to choose a simulation to start from amongst the deployed simulations. However, users can also specify the simulation name directly to bypass the prompt using the following command:

npx gatling enterprise-start --enterprise-simulation="<simulation name>"

Replace <simulation name> with the desired name of the simulation you want to start.

If you are on a CI environment, you don’t want to handle interaction with the plugin. Most CI tools define the CI environment variable, used by the Gatling plugin to disable interactions and run in headless mode.

It’s also possible to disable interactions by using the --non-interactive option.

Here are additional options for this command:

  • --wait-for-run-end: Enables the command to wait until the run finishes and fail if there are assertion failures.
  • --run-title=<title>: Allows setting a title for your run reports.
  • --run-description=<description>: Allows setting a description for your run reports summary.

You can check out other options with npx gatling enterprise-start --help.

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