
Learn how to navigate in Gatling Enterprise Cloud.


The left-side Gatling Enterprise navigation bar can be collapsed using the Burger Navigation Menu button.

The navigation bar is composed of:

  • Home: see your teams last runs, credits left and useful links to documentation
  • Simulations: manage simulations, runs and reports
  • Organization: view organization details, credits usage and admin users
  • API Tokens: manage token to access the API - accessible to system admins only
  • Packages: manage simulations packages - accessible to test admins and system admins
  • Dedicated IP Addresses: a table of the dedicated IP’s- accessible to test admins and system admins
  • Private Locations: a table of your private locations - accessible if you purchased some

  • Integrations: shows all integrations download links
  • Documentation: shows all documentation guides and the link to the public API Swagger documentation
  • About: current version of Gatling Enterprise, and supported Gatling versions

In the upper right corner, click on the organization logo to open a dropdown menu.

The navigation dropdown menu is composed of:

  • Organization: system administrators, credits, and plans
  • Organization list: switch between your different organizations
  • Profile: edit your profile and see your roles
  • Sign out: disconnect from your account
Navbar Dropdown
Navigation dropdown menu

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