
Learn how to configure and deploy tests to Gatling Enterprise Cloud using a package descriptor conf file.

This guide helps you to configure your packages and simulations in your local developer environment, then deploy and start your simulations with a single command.

It assumes that you have a working Gatling project.

If you are just starting out, we recommend trying the Intro to scripting tutorial before using this guide.


Configure the package descriptor

The package descriptor is a conf file located /.gatling/package.conf.

The complete set of configuration options can be found in the Configuration-as-code reference documentation.

This guide will demonstrate how to configure the:

  • package name,
  • package ID,
  • simulation name,
  • simulation ID,
  • the default block.

Create the conf file

To create the package descriptor file:

  1. Add a directory .gatling at your project root.
  2. Add a file named package.conf to the .gatling directory.
  3. Add the following code to the package.conf file:
gatling.enterprise.package {


Define the package

Once you have created the package.conf file:

  • name the package,
  • assign the package to a team (this team must exist in the Gatling Enterprise Cloud UI),
  • add the id property, but leave it commented out for now.
gatling.enterprise.package {
  # id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  name = "My package name"
  team = "My team name"

Define the simulation(s)

The next step is to add your simulations to the package.conf file.

Reminder: this step is optional, but once you add the simulations block, you must define the simulation property.

The simulation is the simulation fully qualified name, for example, computerdatabase.ComputerDatabaseSimulation if you followed the Intro to scripting tutorial.

Each simulation also has a unique id property, which we will use later in the guide.

Add the simulations array with one simulation object:

gatling.enterprise.package {
  # id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  name = "My package name"
  team = "My team name"
  simulations = [
      # id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
      simulation = "computerdatabase.ComputerDatabaseSimulation"

Deploy to Gatling Enterprise Cloud

At this point, making your initial package deployment is a good idea.

This allows you to work with the package and simulation IDs for keeping track of tests and avoid duplicate packages and simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud. Use the following procedure to make your initial deployment:

  1. Add the API Token to your Gatling project.
  1. Deploy your package and simulation(s) with the following command:
  • Maven: mvn gatling:enterpriseDeploy
  • Gradle: gradle gatlingEnterpriseDeploy
  • sbt: sbt Gatling/enterpriseDeploy

The CLI deploys the package and simulation to Gatling Enterprise Cloud and returns the package ID and simulation ID in the terminal.

Add IDs to the package.conf file

After your first successful deployment, Gatling Enterprise Cloud will return the Package ID and the simulation ID to your terminal.

Copy and paste these values into the respective id fields in your package.conf file.

After this step, you can change the package and simulation names without creating new packages and simulations on Gatling Enterprise Cloud.

Set up reusable simulation properties with the default object

Setting up a default object allows you to deploy your simulations with consistent settings and reduce the amount of configuration on each simulation. An example use case is to specify that your simulations are always run distributed between 2 regions with 1 load generator in each location. The virtual users have a 60%/40% distribution.

To setup the default object, add the following code to your package.conf file. Note that this example does not have the simulations array, meaning it uses the default simulation settings.

gatling.enterprise.package {
  # id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  name = "My package name"
  team = "My team name" # or ID with team = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  default {
    simulation {
      locations = [
          name: "Europe - Paris"
          size: 1
          weight: 60
          name: "US East - N. Virginia"
          size: 1
          weight: 40

Learn more about configuring your packages and simulations in the configruation as code reference documentation.

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